Unlocking Potential with Unlocked Devices
ll companies have a growing need for efficient communication through the use of technology. This simple fact causes businesses to interact with carriers (mobile network operators) like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc. daily. In the United States, customers have historically purchased devices through relationships with carriers. Over time, cell phones became smart phones and then tablets came into the picture. Carriers began offering attractive discounts on equipment with contractual term commitments and stiff early termination fees in order to compete with each other and protect themselves financially. This process is called the Carrier Procurement Model.
While it initially sounds convenient for individual customers, this model is far from effective for enterprise (and even smaller) companies. Think of it this way: if a gas station attempted to sell you the car, the leather seats and the driver, it would cost them a lot more and it would complicate the process for you to simply get the gas that you came there for. When carriers are responsible for every step of fulfilling a device, they add cost and inefficiency to their end resulting in higher cost and decreased efficiency on the companies end. Recently, the cost of equipment increased, and carriers became less able to offer the attractive prices mentioned above on a long-term basis (proving that the model is outdated).
So, why are companies still using the Carrier Procurement Model?
They don’t understand how to unlock the potential of the superior alternative: Unlocked Devices.
Unlocked Devices (sometimes referred to as carrier agnostic devices) are independent from any specific carrier (Example: Samsung Galaxy S series device purchased through a company like Hyperion). The use of Unlocked Devices allows companies to standardize on a single model. This innovative approach makes a single device compatible with all carriers.
Unlocked Devices make the device deployment processes quick and easy. One device; regardless of carrier.
To address some concerns and articulate how to unlock potential with Unlocked Devices here are four areas in which Unlocked Devices can help your company:
There is a common misconception that the transition time for companies to switch over to unlocked devices is more troublesome than it is worth. While switching an entire enterprise’s devices to unlocked, reorienting which providers are used for various devices/areas and distributing the devices to employees does take time, the benefits far outweigh the initial delay. Once your company is operating with unlocked devices, when an employee relocates, goes abroad, or has trouble with one carrier, it is much quicker to switch out a sim card on their device than to set up and distribute an entirely new one.
In addition to saving time, unlocked devices can allow your company to save money too. Though costs vary per situation, the idea of unlocked devices is to cut unnecessary spending on devices. This approach presents cost savings in service, or the need to operate in a new location that your present service provider doesn’t cover. Unlocked Devices offer your company predictable financial models and flexibility at the same time.
When companies use locked devices, they manage exponentially more information about each device, its carrier and its properties. For instance, if an organization utilizes three different devices, when a secondary or alternative service provider is added, those three devices become six devices that now have to be reviewed, certified, and managed. This process repeats itself every time a service provider is added and needs to be repeated every time a new device deploys. This cumbersome process often leads to organizations using outdated technology. Unlocked devices have less variables to manage which leads to greater ease of use, distribution and maintenance.
Whether employees are constantly traveling, located internationally, or scattered across the U.S. working remotely, their carrier needs will vary. Unlocked Devices give your company the flexibility it needs to get employees the most dependable coverage at the lowest price. If your employee’s location changes, the device can too! All they need is a new sim card.
Interested in unlocking your company’s potential with unlocked devices? Connect with me today!
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