Cups of Coffee
like coffee, and not just a little bit.
I mean I really love coffee. I drink it every day and I like it in different forms. Drip, espresso, French press, pour over, iced, hot.. You name it; I like it. I didn’t used to like sweet coffee; however, Cuban coffee in Key West during the summer of 2019 changed that for me. If you don’t know what cortadito is make sure you check it out after you’re done reading this.
This really isn't about coffee though. I enjoy coffee, but it always seems to taste better when I’m in the company of someone I enjoy spending time with. For this reason, I started to wonder if I could measure the depth of my relationship with someone based on the number of cups of coffee we’ve shared together. I have the closest bond and relationship with my wife. Beyond that, I predominately connect and nurture my relationships with friends and others over dinners with our families or cups of coffee.
Someone once told me that all men need three other men in their lives. From a Biblical perspective, these men can be described as the following:

Since 2015, I have intentionally connected with other men who could be categorized each of these ways. One man has been a constant in my life and serves the role of Paul for me; his name is Mike. I’ve considered Mike an acquaintance since 2012 and a mentor since 2015. I remember approaching him about meeting with me for coffee on a regular basis (this was April 2015 and I was desperate for someone like him in my life). With allowances for a few times we've rescheduled and assuming we drink two cups of coffee each time we get together, we have shared at least 250 cups of coffee! That’s a ton. He’s gotten to know me better than most people and I’ve gotten to know him better than most people.
Coffee allows me to connect with people in ways that I never did before. It’s not uncommon when I’m making plans to simply say, “Want to grab coffee?” This question is synonymous with connecting past surface level for me. Coffee isn't exclusively a morning thing, but that is the best time I have for connecting with people Mornings are when I am the most emotionally and physically rested. They allow for minimal distractions and a fully present mind. My time is finite, and I know when I allow people into it I need to make the most of that time. Who knows you best? How many cups of coffee have you shared together?
Coffee is just one thing that allows for connecting with others. Think about it.. Are you making time for the important people in your life? Do you have a Paul, Timothy and Barnabas?
Maybe you’re not counting shared cups of coffee, but I hope this is a reminder to find intentional ways to invest in all your relationships!
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